Friday, August 6, 2010

Kai's first visit from the toothfairy

Kai has had his first loose tooth. After reading the book about the tooth fairy, and seeing Madison’s experiences with losing teeth, Kai was eager to have his first tooth come out. When it got wiggly, he worked it and worked it day and night in hopes that it would fall out. He’s been showing us the tooth and making us feel it’s degree of wigglyness for weeks.

Finally, Kent decided it was time to pull it out. Kai was all for it! Unlike his squeamish sister, he was so excited to have his tooth pulled. When it was out, he proudly brandished it for everyone to admire. The toothfairy book with the little tin box is already packed, so I got him an envelope and we carefully sealed it in for safekeeping. He was definitely not reluctant to go to bed that night! He put the envelope under his pillow first thing. When I asked him what he was going to do with the money that the toothfairy brings, he answered swiftly, “Buy stuff!”

This morning he woke up early to see if the toothfairy had been here. The envelope was still under his pillow, and still sealed, but when he tore it open it contained a shiny toonie. Very impressive fairy magic there! Kai was impatient to go to the dollar store today and spend his riches. He chose a toy and has been happily been playing with it ever since.

Now Kai can’t wait for his next loose tooth. He’s been so proud of the hole in his smile!

1 comment:

  1. It's a great smile :o) Glad to hear that the first tooth milestone went well... nice going magical toothfairy!
