Friday, February 1, 2013

Madison's Haida Art


Art work by Caylie

Portrait of our Family

Seascape - Caylie's favourite muse is TURTLES!
Caylie also wanted to show off some of her artwork. 

Gallery of work by Kai

I realized that my son Kai has been historically undershowcased; and then just now my cousin made a brilliant suggestion to post some of his artwork.  The boy has been taking some drawing classes, and feels a little sensitive about being the youngest of the students in attendance.  He loves drawing at home, though, and produces reams of artwork (mostly of his favourite muse - dragons!). 

Some dragon subjects, just in their natural habitat

Lots of "graphic novel" style art by Kai.  Especially knight battles.  I love the "sound effects" like CHUNK, and FWIP

Directed drawing assignment at school.  Cute owls.
We read lots of books about heroes, knights, dragons, and magic.  This lore really speaks to Kai, and he loves everything about dragons and their majestic, mysterious, monstrous nature. 

I really want to encourage Kai's talent and interest in drawing, and so far he enjoys telling stories with his art.  I am really proud of this little artist!