Sunday, March 18, 2012


52 Things about me #8

I don't have a sweet tooth.  Every tooth in my head is a sweet one.  I love treats.  My favourite is chocolate, but I also hear noisy name calling from cookies, candies, cakes, pies....

Lately I have been noticing that my sugar threshold has been steadily increasing and I  need larger and larger servings to be satisfied.  I always feel guilty, stuffed, and depressed after a sugar binge, but that doesn't stop me from eating more the next day (or later that same day if we're being honest).

So here goes with another sugar purge.  No treats for a couple of weeks to dampen the cravings and lower the threshold, then I can start all over again as usual.  I'm afraid it's never a lifetime habit because I enjoy my chocolate too much to give it up forever (at least right now).

When the craving hits, here is what I will be doing:
Crafting - when my hands are busy they can't be stuffing my mouth
Tea - it's a nice diversion and I can drink sweet herbal teas without adding any calories
Gum - sugar-free and it gives my jaws something to do

What are your craving avoidance strategies?


  1. I wish I had some strategies to share. But instead, I am taking notes from you :-) I gave up sugar for a whole year (maybe even longer) in my morning cup of coffee, believing I could get used to the taste of just coffee and half n half. But just the other week, I realized I don't like it that way and questioned, "why in the world am I doing this?" I love coffee in the morning WITH sugar and I hate it without it! Anyways, that story has nothing to do with helping you avoid sugar, but I wanted you to know you are not alone in your cravings. But sometimes I just think that life is too short to say, 'no' to sugar. But if you must, I can't wait to see what you come up with that is crafty!!

  2. I'm the same way Signe, so I know what you are feeling! I use the tea idea (which I got from you!) and I find getting out of the house helps too... less temptation because I don't take it with me! It really helps to just not have it in the house... so times like christmas, halloween and easter are always very difficult! If I really have a craving I might allow myself a small scoop of peanut butter, it seems to take the edge off...

    I'm enjoying reading your blog as usual!
