I joined a challenge this week to find and photograph one happy thing per day for the next 100 days. The idea is that once I start to look for things that make me happy, I will fall into the habit of focusing on the positive, and therefore actually MAKE myself happier.
May 2, 2014:
It's Friday! And on Fridays I get to indulge in a little treat; today's treat was homemade ice-cap made with my awesome Bullet. And you can see the beautiful day we had 31degrees on the car temp thingy.
May 3, 2014:
Saturday afternoon I spent some time gardening with my son. He loves wearing gardening gloves, and he really tackled those dandelions.
May 4, 2014
11-mile long run completed! My running buddy and I went from Skaha Beach to Okanagan Falls together.
May 5, 2014
My little girl's 12th birthday! Madison and I spent Saturday night making a brightly-coloured batch of flood cookies for her to bring to her class on her birthday. She was super proud of how they turned out.
May 6, 2014
Tuesday nights are busy for us, and it is hard for me to fit in time to make a decent meal. Today I had an abundance of delicious leftovers that everyone was happy to devour and I didn't have to cook!
May 7, 2014
I had to drop the truck at the shop, so I walked over to Madison's school and we walked home together in the sunshine. It was so neat to spend a little special time with my kiddo!
May 8, 2014
My soup day at work. I made a batch of tortellini soup last night, and prepped the dough for some fresh bread. This morning I baked the bread and the whole house smelled heavenly!
*side note* The bread was greatly appreciated and inhaled by the staff at work.
May 9, 2014
I came home today after a long week to find a surprise bouquet of beautiful spring tulips waiting for me. My thoughtful friend, Maria left them with warm wishes for Mothers' Day. What a darling!
What a beautiful week! Thanks for sharing!