Saturday, May 31, 2014

#100HappyDays 24-29

Sunday, May 25
Last long run of my training program.  8 miles with my runnin' buddy.  Now we're on to Taaaapeeerrrr!

Monday, May 26th
The girls and I did pedicures and had fun with colours.  Yes, those are Madison's big feet on the right. 

Tuesday, May 27th
I had called the city to inform them about pot-holes in our cul-de-sac.  They came and fixed them! 

Wednesday, May 28th
Three kiddos ready to watch an episode of Once Upon A Time.  Our favourite! 

Thursday, May 29th
After work snuggle with Mr. Baggins.  Love his purrs!

Friday, May 30
Friday indulgence:  Bacon and eggs for dinner!  The kiddos snarfed it up with no complaints too.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The journey of bread

Bread, beautiful bread!  One of my very favourite things to make, and one of the most decadent treats in which I choose to indulge.  I gravitate to pretty loaves or fancy flavours, and I love to give bread as gifts.

Bread has historical roots in our ancestry - many cultures have traditional breads unique to their homes, many people have family bread recipes handed down.  There is a reason the phrase "breaking bread together" still resonates in our language;  it means food (especially bread) is a tie that binds people in harmony.  There is a reason you have read or heard stories where prisoners were given "only bread and water"; bread is an elemental staple, one of the simplest forms of nourishment that alone can sustain a body if necessary. 

I have collected many bread recipes over the years, not all of them tried and true.  I would like to start making and tasting all of them; record which ones were favourites, which were easy or pretty. 

Peasant Bread
My first bread experiment was this weekend, when I made Peasant Bread.  I found this recipe on a link through Pinterest - you can find the tutorial for it here

Grilled peasant cheese
This was a very simple recipe, just flour and yeast, really.  I can totally imagine that this would be what peasant bread was actually like.  I liked that it called for nearly no fuss - no kneading or special instructions; just mix, rise, and bake.  The recipe made two regular sized loaves, and my family hastily snarfed them up.  The taste was simple as well - spongy and plain, but perfect for grilled cheese or toast.  I would make this again for a nice accompaniment to soup or sandwiches.  This is not a gift loaf, but I would serve it to company at a casual supper. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

#100HappyDays 19-22

Tuesday, May 20
Kent's birthday!  But unfortunately we were busy as usual, being a Tuesday night.  Rock-star that he is, he was very understanding about not having a special birthday cake or dinner.  But Madison's teacher from last year found this little lion plaster-scene that somehow was lost until now.  Madison was happy to see it!

I was scraping the barrel on this one.
Wednesday, May 21
I came across this little flow-chart about how to tell if your body is appropriate for a bikini.  I was taken in while reading it, and it mentions a lot of the things I think of when choosing a bathing suit.  Loved the surprise ending, though!

Thursday, May 22
Gorgeous sunset as I came home from TKD class.  This photo doesn't capture the colours that I witnessed, but I enjoyed noticing it just the same.

Friday, May 23
My wonderful mother invited us over for dinner.  We had a good visit, a lovely meal, and I didn't have to cook!  Thanks Mom!

Saturday, May 24
I had mistakenly made a top for Caylie's friend that was too small.  So today I made another one and I'm sure it will be just right!