Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What I Wore On Wednesday

What I wore on Wednesday is a fun little blogging group posting their outfits every week.  The idea is to show your stuff and  get out of your yoga pants for at least one out of seven days.  I liked the concept because I love to dress up but so often the only ones who see me in my carefully planned outfit are my children - and they only notice my nice skirt or dress to wipe their noses on. 

Here is the first outfit:

Aubergine dress: Urban Behaviour (Value Village)
Black tights: (the drug store)
Blue denim jacket:  Crazy World (hand-me-down)
Black boots: Aldo (full price)
Purple/brown/grey scarf: (the dollar store)
With the jacket

With the scarf

I found it difficult to take pics of myself with the camera on automatic, so maybe next time I'll figure out a better way.  Also the poses seem pretty wooden, so maybe some dancing and laughing next time.  What do the other ladies do for settings/camera angles/poses?

Check out the Pleated Poppy for more interesting outfits!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Craft: String Balloon Orbs

 Mom brought over all the ingredients to make these amazing string balloon globes.  First you massage the balloons with Vaseline. 

Then you wrap the balloons with string that has been soaked in the glue paste mixture.  Then hang to dry overnight.  When they are dry and hard, pop the balloon inside and remove it.  Then spraypaint and adorn the string globes. 

Window Crayons.

Kai with his dragons

Madison shows her dogs

Caylie's pretty drawings

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I accompanied Kai's grade 2 class to observe the salmon in Oliver.  This little fishery collects the eggs, performs various tests and experiments on the selected salmon, and sends the results on to the hatchery.  We got to see the salmon eggs pouring out, fish brains being sectioned, and fish bodies being dissected in gory detail.  Kai and his friends were delighted.
My little group lagging behind the rest
Peering over the bank to see the struggling salmon

Fascinating salmon parts

Pumpkins on parade

This year's jack o' lanterns.  Madison carved one of her own by herself this time (bottom left).  She requested butterflies for her other one (top left).  Kai chose some template options (middle left and right).  Caylie wanted a buffalo -again- (bottom right) and I surprised her with Hello Kitty (top right). 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I have GOT to take more pictures...

Halloween came and went, and I've been planning to write a post about it someday.  Then I was reminded that some people are waiting to see pictures of the kids in their costumes, and I realized that I hadn't taken any!  OMG!  Not only that, but I haven't really had the camera out much at all lately and we are sorely lacking photo mementos of our last few months.  Gack! 

So I am starting NOW to make a conscious effort to digitally chronicle our family's cute moments more regularly.  Sorry.  And hopefully someone caught a snap of us dressed up this halloween - I'll post if they did.