The world is talking to us. Everything in it has a story to tell. All we have to do is sit quietly and listen.
- Kate Klimo
My three children are at a beautiful age. The mundane, ordinary, even tedious world that we see is special, wondrous, magical, and mysterious to them.
One of our dog-walks includes a dusty path up a hill. Along the path are several large boulders and rocks, a few of which display graffiti "tags" done in magic marker. Kai is convinced the markings are ancient dragon runes conveying magical messages - if only we could decipher them!
Madison gathers collections of flowers, pretty paper, stickers, leaves -anything she feels is pleasing - and leaves them as offerings for the local fairies. She builds a little display with these gifts, and then checks regularly until they disappear.
The front yard fosters fungus. A wide circle of mushrooms is continuing to flourish despite every effort to remove it. Though it is an annoyance to us, to Caylie it is a magic circle where spells can be cast and powers can be wielded - if only we knew how to conjure them!
What a lovely post! There is so much scope for the imagination in the mind of your little ones living in such a beautiful place. You'll be forever blessed by making note of these written observations and I love that you share them so others can take delight, too!