Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TKD news

In the recent world of Tae Kwon Do, the kids have some exciting news. Madison has successfully completed her test for green stripe! Not only that, but her test was in Summerland in front of a HUGE panel of judges and lots of spectators. Good for her! Kai and Caylie were not ready to test in so intimidating a venue, so they are waiting until fall to have their patterns better memorized and work on their kicks a bit more.

Madison and Kai have also participated in their first tournament. Madison earned a gold medal for her pattern (against 3 other competitors - aged 9-12). Kai earned a silver for his pattern against one other boy - both boys forgot their patterns and didn't complete them in the competition, but were awarded medals anyway.

Madison was reluctant to spar in the tourney, but she did anyway and did great! Her opponent was an enormous 12 year old boy who had just creamed his first match. At the end of the first round, Madison was ahead! But he kicked her in the neck and she was hurt - she sucked it up and finished the match anyway very bravely but she lost a little steam, and the boy realized he had to step up his game. She ended up losing the match with a final score of 11-16. She was shaky at first afterward, but as time wore on she was really proud of how she did and pretty impressed that she'd scored 11 points on the guy! Kai also sparred and is proud of how he did.

I think we may try another tournament after the summer break.

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