This would hopefully cut down on some unnecessary tension in the house if I wasn’t planning to add some battles into the mix. There are a couple of things I’d like to start insisting on around here.
Privacy in the bathroom. This may seem ridiculous to some (especially those without kids), but I have decided that the time has come to demand a few minutes alone while I’m on the toilet.
Keeping clothes off the floor and put away. The kids are in the habit of flinging down their clothes and jammies wherever they happen to be whenever they remove them. This makes for a very untidy life, and I think the time has now come when they are capable of discerning which things are laundry-worthy and folding the rest. There will still be toys strewn about the house, but one thing at a time.
Oh I wish you could see what my girls pick out to wear! The clothing-thing was a battle I gave up long ago. But I do still struggle with letting the opinions (I think) others might have about my kids' ensembles weigh on me. And because we homeschool, I always wonder if the ridiculous outfit choices Dee has (she is the most "fashionable" one) just confirm any opinions they might already have about those "odd and crazy" homeschooling families :-) But one thing we do that helps the morning go smoothly is having the girls pick out their outfit the night before. That way we know everything is ready to go (the short-sleeved dress that is worn over an uncomplimentary long-sleeved shirt, with the blue jeans underneath and the patterned socks and open toed sandals...) before we need to walk out the door. And let me know how you enforce the bathroom policy - the time in the shower and on the toilet have never been a moment of solitude for me!