Friday, September 10, 2010




I almost have the house put together after moving in a week ago. One set of boxes left to unpack, organize, and set up and then we’ll be good to go! Kent has been constantly moving heavy boxes in and out of the garage, re-stacking and organizing them into piles keeping the ones we’ll need access to near the top and/or front. He has a complicated system. The house we are living in is a rental, and only for ten months so we know we’ll be moving again soon. We’re not putting up much in the way of decorations or getting out our seldom used items, so I’ve been re-packing boxes for storage as I unpack.

This was the first week of school for Madison and Kai. So far they haven’t been settled into their classes yet because the class lists are waiting on final numbers. But the school has been entertaining the kids with lots of activities and projects in the meantime. So far they are liking their new school, the new bus, and the new friends they are making.

Caylie also had her first day at school this week. Only one day (an “orientation” for new students) and it was only 45 minutes long, but she got the gist and she loved it. She is so stoked to be going to school and to be a Big Kid! Next week the schedule starts in full, and she is so excited! I went to the parent meeting for the preschool last night, where I volunteered to be on a committee. Quelle surprise, it’s the fundraising committee, so I’ll be organizing lots of bottle drives and selling chocolates this year.

Kent is up to his eyeballs in work, but is still cheerfully running 70 mile weeks. We rarely see him before nearly bedtime, but the kids always greet him with hugs and lots of chatting about all the things they did that day. VP Kent still has the magic touch with the students, and is getting on well with parents and staff so far, so I think the grade fives at his school are in for a treat this year.

So much going on at once, and so much still to do! My to-do list is a mile long and getting longer by the minute, but my Mom and her beau are visiting and helping out with unpacking and constructing the house. This weekend we’ll be attending the farmer’s market and maybe some of the jazz festival activities together. Whatever we do, at least we’ll be able to spend some time together as a family and share our day. I haven’t looked forward to a weekend so much in two years!

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