This month has been hard. It's a busy time for us usually, but this year I came down with pneumonia and was knocked out of commission for going-on-three-weeks. That meant I couldn't do my usual Christmas roll-out.
No baking.
No crafting.
No Christmas cards.
No shopping.
No donations or volunteering.
We still had a Christmas. Kent stepped up and did the shopping and cooking. Some very generous friends brought by trays of baking. My mom helped with the kids and driving around and cooking. The day before Christmas Eve I bundled up and went shopping with Kent for gifts for the kiddos. And all the extras and usuals we just skipped (and the world didn't end).
So in the end it was a lovely, simple, holiday. I hope our friends and neighbours forgive us for ignoring the usual exchanges, and I hope to be healthy and able to do it all next year!