Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween continued

Halloween sure is fun! 

We were invited to a costume party on the weekend, where we ate creepy food and listened to some spooky tunes.  Madison elected to go to a friend's party that night (wow, she is growing up), and we all made ourselves up in costume. 

Madison was a greek goddess Athena this year.  We found a toga and all the accessories at Value Village.  Kai wanted to be Link, a character from the video game Legend of Zelda.  We had most of the pieces of his costume, but found boots at Value Village and I made the hat.  Caylie found a turtle costume and we just couldn't pass that up!  I went in Day of the Dead costume this time, and looked up how to paint a sugar skull and skeleton arms.  Kent went in several different costumes this time.  To the party he wore his oilers gear with a siv around his neck (I know)

Next, I co-hared a Halloween hash on Wednesday night.  We had lots of tricks planned, and lots of treats.  The highlight of the hash was at the end, when surprise zombies attacked while we had the beer check.  Good times!  Afterwards we gathered at Shunty's for a bbq/fire-pit social.

Halloween day we all dressed in costume (Kent went as Captain Hook this time) for school.  The kids had a costume parade and showed off their stuff.  Pumpkin carving and Halloween Dance at the middle schools (wow, what an experience that was!). 

Then came time for trick-or-treating.  Madison again wanted to go with friends, so we just had our littles.  We met up with some other littles and toured the neighbourhood.  They visited maybe 2 dozen houses this year (it was a beautiful warm night), and got a super haul of candy.  We sampled the candy and donated the rest to the Halloween Fairy, who brought books, toys, and special erasers in exchange.  What fun!


Day of the Dead get-up

Zombie attack!
Athena, Link, and Turtle