The dough dolls - They mixed up dough (much like play dough) and rolled it out flat. Then cut body parts and baked them in the oven. When they were cooked, we painted them and attached them together with buttons and cord. Then they glued on eyes and clothes (if desired), and voïla, a doll they can actually play with! Kai (of course) made a dragon doll. Madison made a ballerina princess doll.
Painting - I have to remember never to underestimate the fun of simple brush to paper painting. Caylie loves painting, and Grandma had bought her a real canvas to use. She created a masterpiece that will be hung in our house on display.
Gifts-Grandma presented Kai with his birthday gifts before we left, even though his birthday isn’t for over a week. Among other things, she had made him a dragon puppet out of fabric. Somewhere she found a pattern for the puppet and sewed it, stuffed it, painted it with glittery scales, added sequins and jewelled buttons. It was very well received by our dragon fanatic, he has been carrying it around all day and is even sleeping with it tonight.
We’ve all be thoroughly spoiled and fêted by all our family members on this visit. My dad and his wife made us a lovely meal and gave the kids gifts, and my brother-in-law and his wife threw a super fun party for their daughter’s second birthday. Kai has been showered with gifts by his other grandparents as well, and is doing quite well in that department despite the fact that his birthday hasn’t yet arrived.
It was a lovely visit. I am so lucky to have such a caring, considerate mother who takes such joy in spending time with us. Thanks, Mom. I love you
“My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune.” ~Graycie Harmon